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Expert solutions for Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka

Custom Development & Support Services

  • Expert Kong API Gateway Solutions
  • Spring Boot Microservices Development
  • Kafka-Based Event-Driven Architecture
  • Performance Optimization & Scalability
  • Security & Compliance Assurance

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Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka

Get Efficient Customized Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka Solutions

At Zrix, we are excited to introduce our Custom Development & Support Services for Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka. Our expert developers help businesses streamline their API management, backend systems, and real-time data processing with custom solutions tailored to their needs. Whether you require full-scale development or ongoing support, we ensure seamless integration and optimal performance.

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Services That We Offer

Kong API Gateway

Kong API Gateway Development Services

Kong is a powerful, cloud-native API gateway that boosts security, performance, and scalability. We specialize in designing and deploying tailored API solutions, building custom plugins, optimizing performance, and implementing robust security measures. With ongoing support and maintenance, we ensure your API ecosystem runs smoothly, adapts to growth, and stays secure — so you can focus on driving your business forward.
Spring Boot Development

Spring Boot Development & Support

Spring Boot streamlines application development with its lightweight, modular framework, making it perfect for building scalable and high-performance systems. We specialize in crafting custom microservices architectures, developing enterprise-grade applications, optimizing performance, and strengthening security. With round-the-clock support, we ensure your production environments run smoothly, so your business never misses a beat.
Kafka Development & Support

Kafka Solutions

Apache Kafka powers modern data streaming architectures, enabling real-time event-driven applications. We design and deploy scalable Kafka systems, build custom connectors and stream processing solutions, and configure for high availability and fault tolerance. With continuous performance tuning, monitoring, and dedicated support, we keep your data flowing — reliably and at scale.

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Why Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka Are Game-Changers for Your Business

Streamline API Management with Kong
Streamline API Management with Kong
Accelerate Development with Spring Boot
Accelerate Development with Spring Boot
Enable Real-Time Data Streaming with Kafka
Enable Real-Time Data Streaming with Kafka
Ensure High Availability & Fault Tolerance
Ensure High Availability & Fault Tolerance
Boost Security Across Your Architecture
Boost Security Across Your Architecture
Scale Seamlessly as Your Business Grows
Scale Seamlessly as Your Business Grows

Our Development Process for Kong, Spring Boot, and Kafka

D is c ov er y & R equi r eme n t G a thering Cu s t om D e v elopme n t & I n t eg r a tion Depl o yme n t & M oni t oring A r chi t ectu r e Design & Planning T e s ting & Quali t y A ssu r an c e O ngoing S upport & O p timiz a tion Understand y ou r business goals, t echnica l needs, and p r oject s c ope. Build and i n t eg r a t e AP I s with K ong, mic r oservi c es withSpring Bo o t, and e v e n t -dri v en s y s t ems with K a f k a. Seamless l y depl o y solutions t o p r oduction with r ea l -time moni t oring and logging f o r p r oacti v e insig h ts. C r e a t e a scalable, secu r e, and e fficie n t s y s t em a r chi t ectu r e tailo r ed t o y ou r r equi r eme n ts. Conduct tho r ough t esting f o r per f orman c e securit y , and f ault t ole r an c e t o ensu r e s y s t em stabilit y . P r o vide c o n tinuous support, r egula r upd a t es, and per f orman c e tuning t o ensu r e long- t erm su cc ess.
Why Choose Us

Why Choose Zrix?

Experienced team
Expert Team
Tailored Solutions
Scalability & Security
24/7 Support
24/7 Support
Cutting-Edge Technology
Seamless Integration
Seamless Integration