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Rolling Plains Management

RPMC is a private non-profit organization where people help people. The community is providing head start services to low-income individuals.

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Rolling Plains Management

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Rolling Plains Management Problem

RPMC is a private non-profit organization where people help people. The community is providing head start services to low-income individuals. The mission of the organization is to open opportunities, education, and training for everyone with decency and dignity. Its different services like child care, transportation, community services, etc. consist of a vast database, information, and content. A couple of years ago when RPMC was looking for website service providers in USA, they found Zrix very appealing to their needs, problems, and requirements within the budget. The main hurdle for us in their project was its content migration, data migration, rebuilding the information architecture, and redesigning the responsive website layout. However, we offered the most elegant solution and shifted the entire old website to a new one.

Rolling Plains Management Solution

Redesigning the website of RPMC was difficult as it required massive content migration. However, we successfully solved it with Drupal development and handled the site with Drupal 7. We focussed on providing multiple levels of users to the site, integrated a new Drupal theme and worked on UI/UX design of the website. Additionally, we took care of the new web layout such that it could run on different platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, etc. As a result, the website is far more interactive when compared to other sites of its time


Rolling Plains Management Features

Responsive Web Design: We have created this website with a completely responsive design that provides users with a seamless experience of operating our client's website using different devices like the desktop, smartphones, or tablets.

Easy Content Migration: We interfaced the old content and old database, unified it in one structure, and moved it to a new website using DRUPAL. Multiple Level of Users: Admins can allow the editors to change selected parts of the website. Moreover, each service department can schedule and enable users to sign up.

Ease of Integration: The website has scope for online content selling and online payment with plug-in integrations. Expandability: Drupal’s flexible and scalable feature will help the website in the future for more customization.

Informative Architecture: We worked with RPMC to develop a clear plan for the structure of web content and layout providing our clients with easy usage experience. 

Rolling Plains Management Result

We migrated the entire old website to Drupal CMS using our Drupal Web Services. Now the site is more interactive, user-friendly and is easy to access with new functionalities and features.

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